Friday, October 30, 2009

The Flame

A little while ago, I was approached by Dania at our church if I would be interested in helping her write a short play for church.  I didn't know that this would really help me open my eyes to the fact that I am really beginning to enjoy writing.  Below is the video of the performance.  We really wanted to show that people need to take advantage of the gifts that God has given them, no matter where they are in their life.  I also had the pleasure of acting in it as well.  Enjoy.


Dad said...

Good job buddy! Keep writing. God has given you a gift...

Little Spouse in the Old House said...

Great skit!!! Where's your hair? Love, Mom

Julia said...

Wow! You are gifted in music and great is that!

Unknown said...

Great job. Some pyrotechnics would have been nice, but oh well.