Monday, December 14, 2009

When I grow up, I want to be a...

As Clark grows older, it's strange to think that some day this little nugget of a dude will grow up and have a job in some sort of field. As he grows older, he has even started to show signs of strengths and interests in things around the house. He loves watching lights, has tons of energy, and has even started bouncing to the beat when he listens to music. So I think to myself, maybe he'll be a musician, play sports or even become an electrician.

Then one day I noticed another habit that he had. He loves to play with the tags on toys. That's fine with me, except the fact that all of the tags happen to be on the rear ends of all of his stuffed animals. So the other day I was sitting with him, and as usual he began playing with the tag on one of his favorite stuffed animals. I couldn't help but think, as Clark looked up at me to take this picture, either he wants to be a veterinarian when he grows up...or a proctologist.


Jamie said...


Ben and Alli said...

I guess I know I am doing my job as a younger brother when I can still offend my older sister. LOL!

Little Spouse in the Old House said...

Our dog Bella has eaten the tags off every toy we have given her. Love, Mom

JHNickodemus said...

Maybe he just needs a taggie blanket?