Thursday, March 5, 2009

31 and Counting: #21 - Blogs

The other day my wife told me about a comment that was left on one of our friends blog.  The comment on the blog was something like this... "This blog makes no sense."  The more I thought about this comment the more I thought about the true purpose of a blog.  The best definition I have ever heard for blogs comes from the title of my friend Phil's blog.  In his blog title it says, "A blog for you... and by you I mean me."  Sure, blogs can be written for many reasons, but that is the best part about a blog.  You can write about whatever you want.  It doesn't have to make sense.  As long as the writer is content with what he or she is writing about, who cares if it doesn't make sense.  Blogs can be used to share stories, pictures, ideas, songs, random thoughts, sheer stupidity and any other reason you can think of.  That's why I love them.  They reflect the author's creativity and thoughts, as well as their passions and ideas.  So keep blogging for others... and by others I mean you.

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