Has it already been almost 9 years since the two of us met at Sugar Pine? It's amazing to think about our journey that we have already had over the last (almost) decade. Dating for 2 and a half years. Engaged for 6 months. And married for almost 6 years. It's also fun to think back about what we said about having kids. Three years was the first agreement. Then three years passed and we both thought that we were having too much fun. But two years later we thought it was time and now look at us. God must have had things all planned out. Not only did he come at a great time, but now you and I will get to spend the summer together with Clark. What a ride! But the one constant thing I have continued to see over the last (almost) 9 years is that I love you just as much as I did when I realized I wanted to marry you. It's probably even more. You continue to help me become a good man and a better husband. And with this day being your first Mother's Day, I have to say that I can't wait to see you help our son become a good man as well. I know you'll love, care, encourage, and nurture him just as much as you do for me. I love you, Alli! And you are, even thought it's only been for 20 days, a great mom. Happy Mother's Day!
I have nothing bad or insulting to say about this blog post and you know that's saying a lot.
The Ogdens love the Porters. That's the way it is.
It was really good to meet him on Mother's Day! Clark is adorable!
It certainly makes this mother smile to know how much her daughter is loved and appreciated. Thank you for taking such good care of our first baby - she is so special to us, as are you and now Clark.
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