Monday, September 22, 2008

30 and Counting

Since Jenny tagged me, I guess I have to write about it now.

Ah 30, how I love thee. No longer a teen or a twenty something...but right in the middle between immature and old (for guys at least). I may be 30 but to this day I still like the same things I did when I was little. I still watch cartoons, read comics, play kickball, and play video games. Seems like nothing has changed at all, except I am now a "bigger" kid. I chose a profession where I get to still cut, color, glue, paste, and read kid books. I still like tall girls, or should I say "girl" because now I'm married to one. And lastly, I still sing in the shower. So you wonder what I think about being 30? It's just another day in the life of me.

1 comment:

Tyler said...

well said, well said. you don't come off as 30 at all. when i met you and alli i thought you were both out of college.