Saturday, September 20, 2008

Musical Chimes

I started the summer off with a goal to complete an EP on my own. This turned out to be a lot harder to do than I thought. When working by yourself, you find you have to plow through the tedious chore of creating drum tracks as well as recording all of the solo tracks over the top of that. Needless to say, I didn't get far. One crashed hard drive and many corrupted files later, I was left with zilch. But music is a funny thing. It comes and goes as it pleases. You can be struck with a stroke of brilliance one moment and then left with severe mental block shortly after. Sadly, the summer passed and I have nothing but a crackly recording of one of the songs. But I guess my muse has kicked into high gear with the creation of a new song called Little Eyes. For all of those who care, I'll be posting my music on, password portermusic. Feel free to download and share to your heart's content. Serus Victoria may be dead, but Porter plays on!

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