Knowing where one comes from can often be a very enlightening experience. So when my father found our family's coat of arms and showed it to me, this weird feeling came over me. Just knowing where our family came from and that we had our own crest was awesome. On the coat of arms there are three silver bells. The surname PORTER came from the occupation of being a porter, which is a person who opens the door for you. But the bells always meant something more to me. They became a symbol of creativity to me and I always imagined that those bells would make a beautiful sound if ever heard. So why name my blog the Three Bell Chime? I love having outlets to share with others, but this won't just be for my creative endeavors. Oh no, that wouldn't be fun at all. This will be for all of the random thoughts, weird discoveries, fanboy rants, otaku information, and a place to talk about music. So from this day forth, let me be a true porter and open the door to you to enjoy the Three Bell Chime!
Brilliant. Just. Plain. Brilliant. Good job!
It's nice to know someone cares. I was thinking of putting above the counter, "People who care about me" but thought it might be a little shallow. I just needed a place to post random thoughts and all of my creative endeavors. Now if I could only find a way to post my mp3s on here, I would be in heaven.
But why three bells and why silver? I hear they are church bells, but of course church bells are not made of silver. What is the significance and meaning of the bells in the coat of arms?
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