My friend Phil sent me a gift today that answers any questions I will have about taking care of future baby Porter. It's called Safe Baby Handling Tips by David and Kelly Sopp. It's a picture book that gives you advice with simple pictures of the do's and don'ts of child care. It even comes with a the handy dandy WHEEL OF RESPONSIBILITY. The wheel not only "keeps parents fair, honest and undivorced," but also makes it so arents can simply spin the wheel to see who's duty it is to clean the doodies. So that you can enjoy this book as much as I have today, here are a few pictures of my favorite do's and don'ts.

OMG, I love it! I liked the weightlifting baby, that was great. The picture of the dad throwing the child high in the air was good too but unfortunately, my dad did that to me and it always scared the hell out of me.
Hey Ben! That book is hillarious. I remember when Alli and I found it at the store in Ghiradeli Square last summer and made you and Jon come and read it. It was sooo funny!!!!! We were trying to find it for a friend, and no body in Fresno sells the thing. We have to get it off Amazon.
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