Although some people still refer to me as the guy from California, I think that having been here for over a year has made me grow a little bit more into the Oregonian that I am today. People were shocked the other day when I said I was actually happy that it was raining. With all of the fall colors starting to show (as you can tell from the picture taken from out patio), this place is unbelievably beautiful. I also love wearing sweaters and layering clothes, which you get to do for practically the entire year. And scarfs! Awesome! Lastly, I now fit in a little more because I have a beard. I mean, you gotta keep your face warm when it gets nippy out, right?

you're getting there....now you just need to wear some vans.
Vans are a Cali thing, not an Oregon thing. I will forever rock with my Adidas. Vive los Sambas!
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