Take for example the new Indiana Jones movie. Not a bad idea. Great visual moments. All in all, it was good fun, but... (Feel free to fill in the rest of the sentence yourself with whatever scene of the movie you thought was ridiculous.) For those of us who have read all of the novels, the idea of aliens wasn't so far fetched. But let's be honest. Some parts flat out stunk. After watching it for a second time, I think it all boils down to one problem. Lucas. Only the man who thought Jar Jar Binks was a good idea could kill something as good as Indiana Jones. After making the first new SW movie he must have contracted the Jar-Jar Binks disease and carried over into Indiana Jones. Sadly, it seems it even got to his good friend Steven because he didn't put the ax down on scenes that shouldn't have even been in the movie. If only there were some vaccine that could cure this giant disease we all call "suck", things possibly could have been better.
All it really comes down to is what they taught us all in grade school. When it comes to Star Wars 7-9 and Indiana Jones 5...JUST SAY NO! Here's a picture of what should have happened in the new Star Wars movies.

Yeah, the last Indy had its moments but it was sub-par. From Shia swinging like a monkey to "Nuking the Fridge", it was not as good as the first three. Btw, "Nuking the Fridge" is the new term for a movie moment that is so over the top, it is the death knell for a movie series. Think of "nuking the fridge" is to movies as "jumping the shark" is to television series. Anyway, I've talked enough. See you later.
I can't help but think of the South Park episode where Lucas and Speilberg were going to make special editions for the Indiana Jones movies. At the end Speilberg decided he wanted to leave the movies alone and Lucas went crazy and held him up at gunpoint.
There's just something about millionaires who still decide to wear plaid.
I'll try not to let this color my view of the movie should I ever get around to seeing it.
On the Jar-Jar front, I'm personally much more offended by Greedo shooting first, and midichlorians. Way to take the magic out of the Force, George.
We all know Solo shot first. He's pimp like that. Anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong. When you first meet him, he's a scoundrel who only cares about himself. That's why he shot first.
Episode IV, V, VI are so good that we forgive how shitty I, II, and III are. That's pretty impressive considering most sequels in general aren't that good. How about lucas make those independent films he always talks about.
Or not.
Why would he do that when he can make a kabillion dollars shitting out the clone wars.
I'm actually enjoying the Clone Wars show, but it's mostly cuz I watch it with my seven-year-old. And I have suitably low expectations.
Yeah. The thing is that we all are enjoying them because he isn't the one directing and writing the cartoon show or movie. That's why Episode V and VI are so good. Different directors and writers.
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