So why blog about this? I thought it would be fun to take a walk down memory lane and post every Saturday about the best of the best (or the worst of the worst depending on who you talk to) of the action movies. And what better way to do that than by posting about my favorite scenes/movies in the genre. Now there is really no way to widdle them all down to a best of list or rank them. Each of these cinematic gems is special in it's own right and ALL of these are my favorites! So in keeping with the theme of the best, today's special showcase is the 1989 classic, "Best of the Best."

Here's the gist. The US and Korea have agreed to bring thier best karate champs together to duke it out in a tournament. Each country brings five guys. They fight in the end of the film. Sound good? Just wait. It gets better. The coach is none other than James Earl Jones, who spouts words of wisdom through the entire film, like "A team is not a team if you don't give a damn about eachother!" And the team consists of two no name actors, karate expert Phillip Rhee, Chris Penn (who plays a total red-neck cowboy karate dude), and...wait for it...Eric Roberts, who (in the movie) hails from none other than Portland, Oregon! I mean, how much better can this get? Then comes the conflict. One of the characters has to face the man who killed his brother in a tournament just like this. Oh, the tradjedy! Finally, after a ball busting bar brawl (say that five times fast) and an excellent 80's training montage, the two teams square off. Who wins? I can't tell you, but I can say that if you're not standing in front of your TV, chearing U S A at the top of your lungs, there may be something wrong with you.
Here for your viewing pleasure is the trailer, complete with action, drama, 80's music, and Eric Robert's crying. Enjoy.
Best of the Best was *awesome*...I'm looking forward to the rest of your nostalgic picks.
Love it when he fights the final match with one arm...
THere are plenty to go for about a couple of years. If you liked BOTB, you'll love my next pick. All I have to say is one word...SWAYZE!
I'm assuming you're going with "Road House," but mayhaps it's "Steel Dawn"? That movie was sweet in so many cheesy ways...
Oh for the days when I rented movies solely for the martial arts...
Actually that's "Red Dawn" to be exact, but who's keeping track, right?
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